
Construction Management

Competitive Bid

Job Order Contracting

Tommy Klein Construction, Inc. and the project owner work together early in the design process to minimize cost and the time frame of the project. This is accomplished through our team’s vast experience with time and job cost management. Tommy Klein and his team have compiled many relationships with accredited architects and engineers that assist with the design of the client’s project. When the design is complete, typically we enter into a negotiated contract to execute the project. Utilizing Design-Build method, the owner will only have to deal with one company while saving time and money.
Construction Management
This turn-key method allows the owner to hire Tommy Klein Construction, Inc. to manage the entire construction project from planning to its completion. Because we work with both the owner and the architect throughout the planning process there can an additional savings to our owners through the selection of this service. All cost are reviewed with the client from material bids to subcontractor costs. A fee will be set for Tommy Klein to manage the project and a contract is signed. Choosing Construction management services is an effective way for the client to save time on projects and allows our clients the ability to see the direct cost of their construction projects.

Competitive Bid
After an owner and architect have completed construction plans and specifications, two or more contractors are invited to bid on the project as designed. A pre-bid conference and bid date is selected and a total price is submitted by the contractors per the construction specifications. In most cases the client will award the project to the lowest bidder. A competitive bid allows the owner to decide between several contractors who they would like to complete their project. A competitive bid does not always insure the best price for the owner because the actual prices to the general contractor are not known to the owner.
Job Order Contracting
Job Order Contracting is a system that is fast and responsive. Utilizing a JOC program, the owner establishes an open ended contract providing an on-call contractor motivated to perform. Fixed pricing and simplified paperwork all help in meeting customer expectations for performance and price. Working together with the owner to design and develop the scope of work the contractor is able to fully understand the needs and desires of the owner. Owners benefit from partnering with a Job Order Contractor to achieve a common goal – on time, quality delivery of construction projects within predetermined budget parameters. Tommy Klein Construction, Inc. has been awarded a Job Order Contract through the following:
- Harris County Department of Education (administered by Choice Facility Partners located in Houston, Texas)
- Buyboard
Owners may utilize this contract in order to reduce administration, design, and construction management costs.